- I am a Siberian Husky
- I am a purebred
- My AKC registered name is Karamad's One Dusty Guy
- I was born at Karamad Siberians
- My momma is Karamad's Sentimental Journey
- She goes by Journey
- My dad's name is Smokey
- He's not on the interweb
- I was born September 15, 2002
- I came here when I was 11 weeks old
- Shone, Tundra and Omani already lived here
- I am not a rescue
- Da momma and Da dad actually bought me
- No, I did not come from Saks Fifth Avenue
- I was a dominant pup
- I played hard
- I bit lots
- Even drew blood on Da momma
- Many times
- I am not the boss here
- I learned that quick
- Meanie Shonee got after me the second day I was here
- She left a scar
- I learned to leave her ball alone
- I still don't like her
- I tore up all her toys
- I still like to tear up toys
- But I leave Whiskey's alone
- Meanie Shonee let me live with them until I was 3
- Then we got into death fights
- I wanted her dead
- She wanted me dead
- Da momma and Da dad put me in my own pen
- I came in the house when Meanie Shonee wasn't in there
- During the time that I was penned alone I did lots of tests
- The hoomans needed to make sure I wasn't mean
- I'm not
- I went to obedience school
- All by myself
- With my own teacher
- At first there was no other dogs
- Then there were lots
- I graduated
- In time, after the tests and school, Whiskey came to visit
- I loved Whiskey
- She never left, she's still here
- That was almost 2 years ago
- I helped teach Whiskey that it's okay to like humans
- Da sister says I was a good teacher
- Now, sometimes, I get to help via the interweb with Da sister's classroom
- Da sister is a teacher
- I don't do toys
- Except to de-fluff them
- And rip their heads off
- But because Whiskey is here for rehab, I don't touch her toys
- Because she needs them, I don't
- I do like bones
- Whiskey doesn't touch my bones
- I live for foods
- Any kind of foods
- Especially cookies
- I have Da momma trained
- She gives me cookies when I want them
- I had to go on a diet because Da momma gave me too many cookies
- I don't like diets
- I lost weight
- I thought I was shrinking
- I wasn't
- I eat olives
- right from the trees
- I live in the country
- With Whiskey in my pen
- We come into the house every other day/night for 24 hours.
- We have a small pen out back
- it's away from Meanie Shonee's pack
- The small pen is attached to the house
- We use it to play and potty on our times in the house
- I don't have to sleep in the crate
- Because I am good boy
- and I gave up eating the talking box remote thingies
- I either sleep on the hooman bed
- Or on the sofa
- Or on the floor next to Whiskey's crate
- I am not allowed to use my teeth on hoomans
- Unless Da momma tells me 'bitey'
- That means I can use my teeth
- 'Easy bitey' means we're playing wrestle
- I like to play wrestle
- Da sister taught me play wrestle
- She's the best to play wrestle with
- I have never run in harness
- I have never run the Great Race
- In all honesty, I don't like to run too much
- Except to chase cats
- I have killed cats
- I didn't mean too
- They are too fragile
- I like to lay in front of the air conditioner
- and eat Otter Pops in the summer
- I like Whiskey
- But I love Meeshka
That was awesome Doodles!! I loved it!
I like Otter Pops too, Dusty! I have learned to bite them off!
-Sadie Mae Dog
Wow! What a great 101 things!!!
Very interesting, Doodles....very interesting. Especially that part about death-battles with Meanie Shonee.
There's this snippy little husky that's moved into my house. He's been pretty bad with other dogs...maybe we need one of those individual dog trainers. Think I'll go tell hu-mom.
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